Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dear Mama,

How are you today?  Anything exciting?  Nothing at all over here today.  We're just bumming around at home.  We've had a busy past couple of days.  Do you like our new halau?  I'm so excited about it & it's all coming together so nicely.  We need to get a few little things & get some pictures up & I think it'll be perfect.

It's so interesting to go through the papers at halau & have your handwriting on everything.  It's almost like you're still there but just taking a break.

This week Nunu has spring break, so I'm hoping to get some new pictures of her & Ry together for Easter.

I love you so much & miss you more than anything.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dear Mom,

Anything exciting today? I'm SO lazy today. Yesterday was Ry's birthday party & it went just as I had envisioned it. Well except for the massive amount of desserts left over, but other than that, it was GREAT! The decorations, the food, the desserts were just as I saw it in my head & i'm sure that everyone had a great time!

I missed you, but I know you were there with us encouraging the kids to grab "just oooooone more giant pixie stick" or "oonnnnnnnne more cupcake." LOL I love you so much & I hope that you are having a wonderful day.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear Mama,

I can't believe Ry is one already.  Her birthday yesterday was nice.  Gram called around 11am to sing her "Happy Birthday" in her own way & I cried.  I cried off & on all day long.  It was a good day...but it was also a sad day for me that you weren't here to see her turn 1.  Quite a few people came over to have dinner & celebrate & it was a great night with great food & great company.

When Uncle left, I told him "ok, no crying on Sunday ok?"  We'll see how it goes.

I miss you so much.  I love you.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dear Mom,

How are you today? Things are going well here, just getting ready for Ry's birthday tomorrow. Everyone's coming over for a nice small dinner here at the house, then Sunday is the big party. I forgot to come & show you the pictures from Nanea & Chado's birthday party on Saturday!! It was a nice party, the food was wonderful (as usual) & I saw some faces that I haven't seen in awhile.

I've been hearing for awhile now that you are visiting people in their dreams & that some of the kids have even been seeing you. I'm glad that you are still near & keeping contact with us.

A few weeks ago, I wrote that I had something to tell you, but didn't write it down until it was finalized....well, we have a new halau!! I'm excited. I know that you would like it. The dance space is nice & has carpet!! That's a bonus all in itself!! LOL The lobby area is smaller, along with the office space too, but the back dance space makes up for that.

I talked to Auntie Day today. It was nice to talk to her & about our upcoming family reunion trip in May. I know that you wanted to go & to take Ry & Nunu, so Dad & I will be taking them. Don't tell Nunu, but I think we're going to get a limo-taxi from the airport to the hotel. I don't want to drive in Vegas at all, so I thought that would be fun. And then we can just taxi it around, if we go somewhere far.

Well, tomorrow is RyRy's first birthday & I remember the day like it was yesterday. I wish it was just that you could be here. I miss you & I love you...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hi Mama!

How are you today?  Anything exciting?  Nothing too exciting here.  Ry & I ran to Target this morning to get Nanea & Chado's gifts for their birthday party tomorrow & then we came straight home.  I put Ry down for a nap around 11:15 & it's almost 1:20 now & she's still asleep!!

I've been going over all the things that I need to get done for Ry's party next week & today I finally sat down to write all that I still need to pick up, finalized what I'm making & wrote out what I need to do for the week to make sure that everything gets done by Sunday.  I kind of can't wait for the party to be here already.  It's getting out of hand.

Ry's birthday is on Tuesday & I wish that you could be here for it.  We're just going to have dinner here at the house & I can't wait for her to dig in to her own cake!  I'll be sure to take pictures!

Nunu had a field trip the other day to the state capital & she had so much fun.  Remember when I got 2nd place in that essay contest & we went to the capital & had lunch with the governor?  That was fun.  I need to dig up that picture.

Speaking of pictures.  I managed to snap a few of Ry today & caught some of her doing her new favorite thing....CLIMBING!!

Wish you were here.  Miss you & Love you.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hi Mama,

How are you today?  Things are good over here.  We survived another weekend of hula camp!!  I can't believe that I haven't been to a hula camp since the Fall 2008 one.  Crazy!  Like any other hula camp, our brains were complete mush by Sunday.  It was a great weekend though.  We talked about you on one of the mornings.  How some still didn't have closure with you being gone, how sad some of us still were, & how our first show in the public is coming up & how we know that people will be interested to see how we are doing.  I know that it will be a rough day for me.

Today is baby Chad's first birthday.  Kapua, the kids & I all went to Rachel's house to celebrate.

Well I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you & that I love you & miss you.  And that there isn't a day that goes by that I wish that I could just call you to say "anything exciting today?"

I love you...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dear Mom,

Good Morning!!  Are you having your first cup of coffee too?  Mine is right here (pointing at the cup).  Ry decided to sleep in this morning, so I'm waiting for her to wake up so that I can run my errands for the day.  Anything exciting for you today?

This weekend is hula camp & I think I'm ready.  I'm not sure yet.  It's been a year & a half since I've been to hula camp.  We cancelled the one in October & then last year was the one in April, but I was home with Ry, since she was only 2-3 weeks old.

Ry's birthday is coming up in 2 weeks & I feel like I still have so much to do, when really I don't.  The biggest thing that needs the most attention is the awning fabric.  I just need to sew up the sides so it doesn't come apart & then put the stripes on it.  It's going to be so cute.  I can't wait to show you pictures.  Last night Kapua came up with a cute way to incorporate you in to Ry's party.  (Mom wanted us to name Ry - Dime.  Don't ask me why.  She thought the name was cute & everytime she saw Ry, she'd say "Hi, my Dime.")  So we're going to do a Dime Jar & I think that I'm gonna have little pieces of paper for people to write something too, maybe share something about you that she would like to know later on.  I'll keep it forever.

Ok, well I'm all cry baby now, so I better get going.

I love you...