Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dear Mom,

Good Morning!!  Are you having your first cup of coffee too?  Mine is right here (pointing at the cup).  Ry decided to sleep in this morning, so I'm waiting for her to wake up so that I can run my errands for the day.  Anything exciting for you today?

This weekend is hula camp & I think I'm ready.  I'm not sure yet.  It's been a year & a half since I've been to hula camp.  We cancelled the one in October & then last year was the one in April, but I was home with Ry, since she was only 2-3 weeks old.

Ry's birthday is coming up in 2 weeks & I feel like I still have so much to do, when really I don't.  The biggest thing that needs the most attention is the awning fabric.  I just need to sew up the sides so it doesn't come apart & then put the stripes on it.  It's going to be so cute.  I can't wait to show you pictures.  Last night Kapua came up with a cute way to incorporate you in to Ry's party.  (Mom wanted us to name Ry - Dime.  Don't ask me why.  She thought the name was cute & everytime she saw Ry, she'd say "Hi, my Dime.")  So we're going to do a Dime Jar & I think that I'm gonna have little pieces of paper for people to write something too, maybe share something about you that she would like to know later on.  I'll keep it forever.

Ok, well I'm all cry baby now, so I better get going.

I love you...