Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Happpy biiiiirthday tooooo yoooooooou!!
Happpy biiiiirthday tooooo yoooooooou!!
Happppy biiiirthhhhday tooooo Mooooooooom!!
Happppy biiiirrrrrthdaaaaaay toooooooooooo yoooooooooou!!


Happy birthday Mama!!  What're you doing today?  Are you & the auntie's, uncle's & Grandpa all going to the casino in the sky today?  Tonight we have hula, but we're potlucking for your birthday & then a few of us are going to Muckleshoot to play for your birthday!!  I can't wait to go. 

Anything exciting lately?  Not much around here.  Over the weekend, we went to Folklife like we always do & decided to do our version of Uncle Patrick's Hit & Run Hula.  Here's a video of our first stop inside the Centerhouse....

We also did Ai Kakou with pu'ili right in a crowded aisle way by the food vendors.  THAT was fun almost hitting people as they walked by us. HA!  Of course we ate & then we went to Uwajimaya after.  That evening we got together to watch the Green River show from the week before on the projector at halau, followed by the Na Hoku Hanohano Awards which was livestreaming online.  Here's us dancing with Teresa Bright - Nani Kaua'i....

Well, i miss you like crazy today & everyday.  I hope that you miss me too.  Love you so much.

OH WAIT!! I forgot to tell you that Ry is FINALLY starting to walk!! YAY!! She's only what?  15 months!!! Sheesh.  Anyway, I got a small video of it today....

I love you....