Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dear Mom,

Are you proud?  I think yesterday's Mai Kahiki Mai went GREAT!!  Everything came together so beautifully & I really don't think there was many bumps throughout the day.  When I last counted the pre-sale tickets on Friday, we were just below 300 people.  I'm not sure how many came to the door, but we had a great crowd & it seems as though everyone had a great time & enjoyed everything.

Nunu sang so great for her first song.  Just before she went on stage, she started to cry & said that her stomach was sore.  I told her that she needed to wipe her face & get it together because she was going on stage already.  I wiped her eyes, adjusted her top, grabbed her hand & we walked over to the side of the stage to wait for Uncle to give her "the look."  When he looked over, he threw his head back & got teary.  He called her over & out she went.  Her first song was Pauoa Liko Ka Lehua & she even played her ukulele while she sang.  She did SO good.  Just before her second song, Uncle talked about how she was the first halau baby & that she didn't come Makana was born just a few months later & then called Makana out to dance.  He mentioned that he decided to "team them up" was funny.  So Makana danced to Ka Ua Nei while Nunu sang.  I was such a cry baby....i'm sure you were too. 

It's crazy to see how much they've grown up.  It's actually quite scary.

I hope to get a video of it soon, so that I can put it on here, along with a few other songs from the evening. 

I didn't take many pictures yesterday, as most of my time was consumed by decorations.  Here is the stage all ready to go...

I hope we did you proud yesterday.  Thank you for all of the notes that you left us, so that we could make sure that all went smoothly.

Love you.