Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's another cold day here in Seattle & this morning we made no plans...just to meet at Mom & Dad's when it was time to go to radiation.

I had made contact with a long time family friend, Nohe Ka, who works at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, about getting Mom in for a 2nd opinion. For me, at this point, Group Health said that there was nothing more they could do for her, so why not see if there's something that could help to give us a little more time. I'm happy to say that this morning, we officially got the ball rolling on getting an appointment for a 2nd opinion.

For those that have been following our journey, you will know that this will kind of be a 3rd opinion as we went to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance back in December of 2007. (Seattle Cancer Care Alliance & The Fred Hutchinson CRC are connected along with Childrens Hospital & UW Medical) At that time, we met with Dr. Eaton who stated that all of Mom's treatment up to that point was on point & had suggested doing a clinical trial with them. She chose not to do so & ended up staying with Group Health & doing chemotherapy in February of 2008.

I am looking forward to getting an appointment just to see if they have any options for us.

On the way to Mom's radiation appointment today, we all talked about our evenings last night, what we had for dinner & so on. I told Mom that Marcel had made pork chops & mushroom gravy & that my inlaws had come over. We talked about other stuff & soon arrived at her radiation appointment. After her appointment was over, we were getting in the car & I ALWAYS ask her "is there anything you want to get on the way home?" & it's usually always followed with "no, i'm good, let's go home." Not's answer was "ummm, i think i want to stop at the store...i'm ono for pork chops & mushroom gravy!" And so we did & that's what's on her menu tonight. :)

Today she seemed more tired than usual & said that she was going to stay home from halau & rest tonight since there's only one class. I told her that i'd call her later on to check in on her. Otherwise, she had a good relaxing day.

**Photo taken at our first - 2nd opinion appointment at SCCA - December 28, 2007