Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Guess what today is!?!?  It's Mom's last day of radiation.  Her last day of radiation to her head was on Monday & today is her last day on her neck.  It will be weird to not go to the radiology oncology office every day.  But it is a HAPPY DAY today!!

I apologize for not keeping up every day & I will soon get back in to the routine, once Rylie is back up & fully recovered.  She still has a cough, along with an ear infection, so we're just not too healthy right now.

Yesterday, Mom made no plans for herself & wanted to rest & sleep in, so Auntie Day, Candice, Kellan, Rylie & I went to breakfast & then to the grocery store to buy some odds & ends for dinner.  (chop steak with onion)  And then we came home, I took Mom to radiation & then we came back to my house & were LAZY alllllllll night long!!

Perhaps that's why I haven't updated much.  Because it seems like we've been just resting, relaxing, eating & enjoying one anothers company.

I hope everyone is well & healthy.  Thank you for continuing to leave Mom some love on her blog!!