Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dear Mom,

Good morning!!  Anything exciting today?  Nothing at all on my end.  It's rainy & gross outside.  I just got home from dropping of Nunu at school, Ry's taking a nap & Marcel is asleep.  He worked last night, but got off around 11pm.

Ry is still sleeping well, although I wish I could get her down a little later in the evening.  She's so tired by 9-9:30, that it's hard to keep her awake.  I put her to bed at 9:15 last night & she woke up around 3:30, then for the morning at 7am.  But I can tell that she was still tired, so that explains why she's back in bed before 9am.

Nunu is doing well.  Getting "older" with that "i'm getting older attitude."  But she knows who she can/can't do it to.  We started a new chore chart thing last week & she's been doing so well with it.  I told her that at the end of the month if she can do all of her chores without being told to do them, then she can get a new DS game.  She has a few games that she doesn't play anyway, so I figured that I could take her to trade some in for a new one.

Marcel is working 3-4 days a week on average which is pretty good right now.  I'm afraid of the slow down though, which is later than usual.  He's no longer on insulin & still continues to watch what he eats.  He's doing so well.

I am ok.  Last week I finally had the feeling where I wanted to clean house, get things in order, etc.  It's been so long since my house had a good deep cleaning.  Kapua watched Ry for me one day so that I could do it & I got all but my room/bathroom done & the rec room area.  But I'm ok with that.  I'm slowly but surely getting my room done when I have some down time.

Yesterday was our first Mai Kahiki Mai meeting for our ho'olaule'a on May 1st.  The meeting went well & don't worry, I took your notes.  :)  Everyone's got their jobs & I know that this year will be successful.

I miss you everyday.  I miss that I can't call you & tell you what I did for the day or the exciting things that Ry's accomplishing.  She's starting to pull herself up on to her feet, but everytime that i grab the camera, she never does it.   I just wish that you were still here...

I love you...


kapua said...

hi aunty!! today is 2 months that you've been gone and its still hard for me to believe sometimes. i go to halau and thats where i feel you the most. i miss seeing you walk through the door or sitting at your chair as we walk in. we're doing our 1st catering at the end of the month and i have this empty feeling inside like i'm missing something and i realized last night that it was you! our planning together and making sure we know what everyone has to do. i just seem kinda lost but i will get through it and it will be a SUCCESS! i miss you everyday!! love you!