Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dear Mom,

How was your Christmas? Did you get anything good? Did you have your own Christmas party? I'm sure you did...playing tons of games & eating ono food.

Our Christmas was good too. The kids got all kinds of good stuff. Nunu got clothes, DS games & a video game chair (yikes) & Ry got some toys & clothes. We spent Christmas day at Uncle Kamo's house, we ate prime rib, king crab, ham, potato salad, rice & veggies. THEN we went to meet the gang at Muckleshoot for dinner. There was about 27 of us. It was so neat to go there & not have to wait for food to cook or clean up!! I think that just may be a new tradition!!

We are all definitely missing you this year. It's not just me. I received a few text messages, saw a lot of Facebook updates & saw on people's faces that this year was just different without you here. I went to the house yesterday & put a picture of the girls in a "I love my Grandma" frame next to your urn. I sat on the bed, stared at the urn & the photos that surround it & told you that i loved you & missed you....i do. Very much.

I'm trying my best to move forward, but it's just hard when someone that I used to talk to several times a day & see everyday is no longer here. I know that you don't want us to be sad, but it's hard not to be. I miss everything about you & dream of you often...

i love you.