Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dear Mom,

We're all back home in Seattle from our trip to Honolulu.  It's FREEZING here!!  When we left Honolulu it was low 80's & when we landed in Seattle it was 25 degrees.

Our trip back home was nice, but definitely not the same.  I tried my best to have a good time, but it wasn't a vacation for me.  I understood that my family wanted to go to the beach, but I just wanted to surround myself with the family.

I can't believe 3 weeks have already gone by & I miss you so much. I find myself wanting to call you to say the usual "anything exciting today?"  or sending you a picture text of the girls or Ry doing something funny.  Lately she's been sticking her tongue out, licking her lips & then smacking her lips as if something tastes good.  It's pretty funny.

While I know that you are in a better place, I still wish that I could have you here with me.  I never minded helping you get around, get up off of the bed, drive you around & taking you places.  I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

I miss you so much...

Just me,